Hippotherapy/Adaptive Riding

Hippotherapy is the use of the movement of a horse as a treatment strategy by an occupational, physical or speech therapist to reach stated therapeutic goals for the client. This strategy can be used to address physical, cognitive, and psychological needs in children as well as adults. Clients are referred by area doctors or therapists and services are provided weekly.

A horse's soothing rhythm, strength, warmth, and three-dimensional movement pattern provide healthy exercise while improving circulation and muscle tone. The discipline associated with working with horses and the social interactions between peers benefit the mind and spirit while raising self-esteem and increasing self-sufficiency through accomplishment. The unconditional love of the horses has been proved to reduce anxiety, encourage interaction, and offer a haven where riders can feel a sense of empowerment.

Adaptive riding is facilitated by a certified adaptive riding instructor and the sessions look very similar to what you would see in a hippotherapy session.  While the goals of hippotherapy tend to be more about physical and cognitive treatment and healing, adaptive riding can take a client into the realm of riding independently as well as addressing mental health issues.

This program is our heaviest in terms of volunteers needed. Each client needs four people as well as the horse to do their therapy - one leader, two side walkers and the therapist. Benefits to the client for this program cannot be overstated. Not only does the client improve physically, but somehow the horses and the outdoor environment improve behavior, attitude, and well-being. For more information visit American Hippotherapy Association.

Equine Assisted Learning

EAL is an experiential process in which horses are used as a tool for emotional and spiritual growth and learning. EAL is a joint effort between a therapist, a horse professional, and a trained therapy horse. This team effort is a strong benefit to the participants as they learn about themselves and others by participating in activities with the horses and then processing (or discussing) the feelings, behaviors, and patterns that were revealed in the session.

This is not a riding program - 90% of these activities are done on the ground in the arena with the horse at liberty. EAL is a powerful and effective therapeutic approach that has an incredible impact on individuals, youth, families, and groups.

EAL addresses a variety of mental health and human development needs including behavioral issues, attention deficit disorder, substance abuse, eating disorders, abuse issues, depression, anxiety, relationship patterns and communication needs. We are currently providing 2 different EAL programs; one for residential groups and one for family therapy.

For more information you can check out the O.K. Corral Series web site and EAGALA's web site.

School-based Programs

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Reins of Life offers school-based programs held during the school day for students from Stephens, Franklin, Hart, Habersham, and Banks counties. 

Sessions are held once a week for eight weeks; transportation is provided by the schools and local community partners support the cost of this program. We use experiential therapy to help students understand the consequences of their decisions and how they might make better choices. Sessions also include horsemanship, equine safety, life skills, and some academic work, depending on the needs of each group.

Riding Lessons

No new riding lesson slots are available at this time. Please check back for more information this summer, 2025.

Upon return of our program:
Riding lessons are available for non-disabled children and youth ages 8 and up and are held once a week for one hour. Groups consist of 4 - 6 students. Lessons include all aspects of horse care, riding, and horsemanship.  The cost is $35 for an hour-long session.

Summer Horse Camp

Horse Camp is a blast! We typically have 4-6 weeks of Horse Camp scheduled each year. Instruction is specific to riding level and ability, and the camp is open to all youth ages 8-18. Camps run Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM each day. Friday is Graduation Day, and parents are invited to come so the kids can share what they have been working on. For upcoming camps, see our events page >